KIM Manri

身体とは、気がつけば常に変化している。一瞬一瞬、変化しつづけいくらでも広がっていくものである。芸術とは、飾っておくものではなく、その時代 に必要とされ、たとえ古くでも現代に生きる息づかいがあるものでなければならない。そういう意味で、身体は一人一人固有の、最たる芸術だと私は思う。




The human body keeps changing all the time and can expand its possibilities infinitely.

Art should not be displayed, but should be what people living today need for their lives. So even if it is old, it must be infused with the breath of living now. In this sense, the human body is the highest art.

Human beings have a dual cosmos inside themselves. One is invisible: spirituality; and the other is material: physicality. Physical art for me is trying to confront and look at the dual cosmos of these human beings through bodies.

Physicality is needed to connect and integrate with the cosmos. The soul desires it and performs it as art. This is where I find the strong determination works. Art is created by the will of the cosmos.

In the process of clarifying my method of creation and reconsidering the process I engage in, I find art.

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